Addiction: what’s new?

I found this animation talk particularly interesting as it addresses the subject of addiction on a different level.

There are so many approaches when it matters of addictions and they all work to some extent, but somehow it seems there is a sense of controversy with them. Which one does work better? Which one if the most efficient? Why sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t?
This animation highlights a particular side of addiction that I find very important and too often overlooked: The importance of connecting.
Connection of course doesn’t just mean pick our phone up and open a window of our private life to an unknown and indistinct audience.
I believe we can talk about a connection that works when it gives us that “homely” feeling: a brief, intense feeling that bring us back to the warmth, safe moment when we were held for the first time. A truly sense of unconditional love.
I guess the question now is how do we create an environment where people can recreate this sense of unconditional love?